By Joe Schartz
The following column appeared in the Trojan Tribune in October, 2009:
After the tragedies of September 11, 2001, the Empire State Building in plush Manhattan became New York’s largest building. The towering architectural feat of glass and steel has represented much more than business, wealth, and western elegance, serving as a symbol of capitalism, the economic policy behind the heart of American prosperity. It was free enterprise that made this country the most powerful leader in the world. It was hard work, risk and reward that propelled the United States into the economic, military and industrious success that no other nation can claim, that allowed the red, white and blue to overwhelm her enemies and to uplift her allies. But on Wednesday, September 30, 2009, red was the only color emanating from the Empire State Building.
It was a beautiful ruby shade, a mesmerizing glow that could be seen for miles. What was the occasion for the change in color? Apparently representatives for the building thought it was appropriate to give it a festive look to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Communist takeover in China. After discovering the reason for the new lights, that color that had looked so enchanting had never looked so distasteful. The Empire State Building that represented a free economic society had been draped in a cloak of blatant Communist endorsement.
Why were we celebrating the anniversary of the most brutal military takeover in history? We fought a war in Korea and Vietnam to prevent the Communist way of life, and now big-shot New York aristocrats, who must not have had relatives die at the Chosin Reservoir, were praising it. It is estimated that 72 million people died during the Communist revolution, which accounts for more than either World War. That foolish action was a slap in the face to our military, the Chinese nationalists who still fight for their freedom, and anyone who believes in human rights. If that shade of red represented anything at all, it was the blood of innocent people that has been shed in the most evil empire in the world.
But that hasn’t been the only thing forcing Americans to ask their conscience what’s right and what’s wrong. Bank of America is now a contradiction in terms, it seems. A Marine killed overseas was brought home to be buried in South Carolina, and the procession carrying his body to the burial sight passed many local businesses, including Bank of America. A patriotic citizen was lining the road with American flags to honor the soldier when an employee of the bank ordered the flags be removed from in front of the business, or the flags would be thrown away. Maybe we should just call it “Global Bank” and change the logo from Old Glory to people holding hands so no one is offended? I wonder, what would that soldier think?
That Marine died fighting radical terrorists, perhaps the most violent enemy our armed forces has ever been forced to confront. I never thought it was possible we were training our enemies here at home. In Fairfax County Virginia, the Islamic Saudi Academy is doing just that. The school, funded by Saudi Arabia, instructs its students on the most extreme forms of Muslim jihad. Its textbook material includes such horrifying passages as how to cut off a person’s hands and feet to maximize suffering while torturing them. The Fairfax County board recently voted 6-4 to expand the school’s campus. By next year Virginia may have produced as many as 1,500 domestic terrorists.
I never thought I would see the day when Communist sympathizers, flag haters and radical Islamic extremists would find a place in American society. I am ashamed to acknowledge them as fellow citizens.
A pleasant gift for China came with the festive decorations as the Treasury Department admitted it will need to sell more of the country’s debt to the People’s Republic to fund the stimulus and other government programs. China already owns nearly a quarter of our national debt, and they are glad to take on more. You can’t find a piece of electronics without the words “CHINA” boldly stenciled on the side. Our symbols of freedom are now being decorated to honor their revolution. And now we continue to sell ourselves to them one government bond at a time. Happy birthday China.
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