Restoring hope in the conservative movement of America's youth

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I can’t even remember when I first started writing about politics, but I’ve had a lot of practice. Each time I sit down, pen in hand, and start scratching on my yellow legal pad, I never know exactly what I’m going to write about, but I follow my instincts. They never fail me.

However, I do remember a certain calm, summer day. I was sitting patiently, tapping my pencil, waiting for the right words to fall into my head as I gave life to my very first column.

At that time, the War on Terror was the dominant political issue dividing the American public. I would turn on the TV and watch so-called “objective” journalists rail against our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. I listened to political gurus purport half-truths and even bald-faced lies to the American public about President Bush’s reasons for the invasion. I saw protesters burning flags, and waving not Old Glory, but posters reading, “Bush lied, children died!”

I was almost nervous to disagree with these people, and found myself asking, “Will liberals force us to lose yet another war we are capable of winning?”

So I gained the courage to tell the world my opinion, and dictated a short, sincere letter, entitled “Freedom worth fighting for,” to the largest newspaper in South Dakota. In it I passionately described why Americans fight and win wars, and why the invasion of Iraq was justified.

I mailed the letter, and several days letter, the editor called my dad. “Did your son really write that editorial?” the editor asked. My dad knew nothing about it, and told her yes, that if Joe had sent a letter to their newspaper, then it must have been all his doing. The editor was shocked; she said my letter would be printed in a few days.

I was 12 years old.

Looking back, I have to say that my editorial was a very good one. It used words that sent adults searching for their dictionaries, but I never anticipated the backlash that would follow.

When my letter was printed, I was ecstatic to see my name on the Voices page. I checked the newspaper’s website to see what kind of comments were being posted about my writing, and they cut me. Deep.

My article was filled with comments. People were accusing me of plagiarism and parroting the political beliefs of my parents. There isn’t a 12 year-old in America who can write like that, they said. Only one man, a soldier in Iraq, bothered to defend me.

To put it mildly, they stomped on me. But that wasn’t the worst of it.

I started receiving hate mail. That’s right; a 12 year-old was receiving horrifying letters because he thought he had the arrogance to express his opinion in print. Law enforcement got involved.

That is how the Left retaliated: they saw sincerity, passion and opposition in a 6th grader and viciously attempted to silence me. (That’s when I discovered I was a columnist—if people were accusing me of plagiarism and sending me hate mail, then I knew I was doing something right).

This incident made me start thinking: liberals call the Democratic Party the party of youth. Democrats take pride in how much they value the input of young Americans, but when I dared to open my mouth, they filled it with vinegar.

That’s when I became a conservative. I realized that the Democratic Party did not share my politics, and the GOP couldn’t quite grasp my passion. Defending free speech, our flag, and human life; fighting for limited, Constitutional government, free enterprise, and fiscal responsibility; resisting tyranny and upholding justice; these values do not comprise a party platform, but a way of life.

Our nation has always been at war—whether it be the “war on drugs,” the “war on poverty,” or the “war to end all wars”—we have always been at the center of conflict. Today as we fight the War on Terror, we are also engaged in another struggle: this one is internal. It is a war of ideas, and I hereby declare myself a warrior, armed with pen and patriotism.

With the creation of this website, you and I embark upon a mission. It will be a long journey, and I will need your help to get the word out. But we will succeed; patriots always do.

I will close with two warnings to my Left-Wing counterparts:

To the liberals who demonized me after writing my first column, watch out: that 12 year-old is back.

And to the rest of you, be afraid: I’m the 12 year-old conservative your friends warned you about.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Goodbye Guam

By Joe Schartz

The following column appeared in the Trojan Tribune in April, 2010:

Washington politics isn’t always a spirited debate, a dramatic vote on the Congress floor, or a passionate speech in front of a divided chamber. Let’s just say that on some days the pace of life in the District of Columbia is slower than others.
Like the last drops of maple syrup oozing out of the bottle.
Friday, April 2, was one of those days. Congress had that urge to say, “We’re better than you,” and decided to host a routine grilling of a public official. They scheduled a Congressional hearing to decide the necessity of a new training program in Guam, America’s favorite island.
Admiral Robert Willard, Commander of the United States Pacific Fleet, was testifying about his views on the impact of the program. Yawn.
Audience members were glancing at their watches, pinching themselves to stay awake, and playing tic-tac-toe on legal pads as they pretended to be taking important notes. And then came the turn of Hank Johnson, the 55 year-old Congressman from Georgia, to have his light bulb moment. As he started speaking, the fidgeting and head-bobbing in the audience continued, but as Johnson’s rambling statement dragged on, every ear in the House had perked up to listen.
Johnson incoherently babbled about the dimensions of the Pacific island for an unnecessary period of time, which drew smirks and eye-rolls from various dignitaries.
“This is an island that, at its most widest level is, what, 12 miles from shore to shore? And at its smallest level or smallest location, it's seven miles between one shore and the other. Is that correct?” the Congressman muttered.
I can imagine what might have been going through the Admiral’s head. This guy is going to make every pore in my face start bleeding…I’d rather be having teeth pulled…maybe he swallowed too much Listerine this morning?
The Admiral promptly replied, “I don't have the exact dimensions, but to your point, sir, I think Guam is a small island.” Ummm, where is this going exactly? Wait, don’t tell me, you’re about to say we should put the illegal immigrants there? Sorry Congressman, it’s too small for that.
And then the Congressman revealed the product of his stunning epiphany with this statement: “My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.” He gestured with his hands to indicate an island flipping over and sinking.
The responses of the audience members were priceless: Oh. My. Gosh. Did he just say that?
If Johnson was expecting a thoughtful look on the Admiral’s face and a response similar to, “Wow! I never thought of that! We’ll certainly have to look into this,” shortly before handing the Congressman a head-pat and a cookie for his brilliant conclusion, it never came.
Willard recovered from the unexpected display of outrageous stupidity (usually demonstrated by toddlers with head injuries), and bluntly responded, “We don't anticipate that.” What a fruitcake! Does Georgia draw a name out of a hat to decide who its Congressmen are? Tell me this is “Bring Your Academically Challenged Adult to Work Day” and this guy is temporarily filling in for the real Congressman!
If anything, the statement made by Congressman Johnson should make you feel very secure about the politicians running the federal government.
Of course this isn’t the only recent opportunity we’ve had to see what goes on in the minds of Washington leaders.
Representative John Conyers of Michigan complained about his constituents’ calls for him to read legislation, stating, “What good is reading the bill if it's a thousand pages and you don't have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?” Wow, this guy is really lazy for not reading his own party’s legislation. But I guess that means we’re assuming he can read at all, and let’s not jump to any conclusions.
And here’s this gem from Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi: “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of controversy.” She was referring to the recent health care bill.
Right. That’s like saying a hunter should shoot the thing moving in the bushes to find out if it’s really another human.
These are the people running our country. They are in charge of our schools, our military, and now, our health care.
I’m just very sad that Guam might be wiped off the map. What did Guam ever do to deserve this fate?
That gives me an idea: Congress should pass a 1,000-page bill that allocates $10 billion a year to build up Guam’s infrastructure to prevent it from flipping over and killing everyone. And this cause is so pressing and so important that I think it would be a good idea not to read the bill, but to ram it through and pass it in the dead of night. This is a crisis, and must be solved.
Besides, what crisis isn’t government capable of solving?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Happy Anniversary, Mr. President

By Joe Schartz

The following column appeared in the Trojan Tribune in January, 2010:

Dear Mr. President,
I take the time to write to you today to wish you a happy anniversary as you celebrate an entire year in the Oval Office. On January 20 of last year, the world watched as you took oath of the highest office in the land, and we were extremely relieved to hear your message of change, hope and inspiration.
Sure, I wish I was the one taking that oath, but hey, it’s all water under the bridge, right?
I am proud of what we have gained under your leadership, Mr. President. I mean, take the war, for example. I know I voted to go in there guns blazin’ in the first place, and then promised to withdraw, but you on the other hand—you dazzling bundle of cuteness—you made the awesome decision to not only go against the will of the people, but your own generals, (gutsy move pal). And look how it’s paid off already…sort of…we are winning, right?
Oh well, forget about the war. Look at this great economy you saved! It was about to collapse, but you created jobs, and unemployment is at a mere…oops…but the deficit has been shrunk to a tiny…let’s not go there…and spending has been totally under control…ha, who am I even kidding?
But hey, forget about that stuff. Look at your domestic accomplishments! You PROMISED the American people to pass a health care bill before 2010, and you did…almost…ok, not quite…But you did shut down Guantanamo Bay (Kalid Sheikh Muhammad sends his regards)…okay, put that on the to-do list for next year…well, at least you followed through your campaign promise to put a stop to congressional earmarks…hey now, nobody’s perfect, maybe next term…there were only 9,000 of them in that stimulus bill, right?
Okay, so I struck out three times, but you’ve always got me pal. I give up grudges against people pretty quickly…sometimes. Say, Joe Biden and I chipped in to get you these anniversary presents:
-10% unemployment
-50% disapproval rating (you and George Bush could form a club!)
-Huge deficit
-Cute collar for that dog of yours
Oh, and I’m also sending you one of my new “Hillary ‘12” t-shirts!
Happy Anniversary, Barry. Just remember, keep working hard, or you may end up in that unemployment office yourself!
With love and affection,
Hillary Rodham Clinton

Not How Democracy Works

By Joe Schartz

The following column appeared in the Trojan Tribune in November, 2009:

There is no career on earth more draining than that of the commander-in-chief of the United States of America. The president has to keep the nation content, support his party platform, build a legacy for himself, meet with foreign leaders, fight Al Qaeda, the Taliban and Dick Cheney at the same time, all the while being the face of the free world.
Yes, it’s a demanding job. Just compare a picture of the young, smiling Obama of November of last year that says, “Wow, I can’t wait to get started!”, to a picture of the already graying Obama of today that says, “You know what, forget about the whole Afghanistan thing, just pass me the coffee.” It’s been a mere nine months and the president looks like he’s ready to have baby food spooned to him by a nurse at Leisure Living.
So naturally with all of the dedication the job requires, there has got to be some down time for POTUS. In August President Obama and his family took off for the plush “Martha’s Vineyard” resort in New England, where they spent just seven days at the cost of thousands of dollars (guess who’s footing that bill?).
To pass the days at Martha’s Vineyard, the president brought with him a rather large stack of reading material. Numbering five in all, the books he took along contained around 2,300 pages of brilliant literature. He must have had a lot of time on his hands to read 300 pages a day.
Hmm, that’s funny. The president makes time for his Barnes and Nobles wish list, but hasn’t read the monstrous bills his own party has been ramming through congress? I quote: “…a bill that ends up on my desk as president, you, the public, will have five days to look online and find out what's in it before I sign it.” Congress was given less than 24 hours to debate the stimulus bill that was 1,073 pages and contained 9,000 earmarks. The public didn’t read it, congress didn’t read it, and the president didn’t read it. Why, then, does it have the president’s signature on it?
Instead of reading books, which are not relevant to the current economic disaster, he should have been doing the responsible thing, which is reading bills before they are signed into law. What about the 1,201-page cap and trade bill that was nearly rammed down our throats? What about the 1,190 page health care bill democrats are trying to rush to the White House?
Maybe these are some good questions to ask: who is writing these bills, why isn’t congress reading them, and why aren’t we getting a chance to read them? We deserve the right to know what’s in these bills and how our future is being spent.
The next time President Obama goes on vacation, I suggest he bring with him a stack of his own legislation. Another recommendation would be a great book by a guy named Thomas Paine. It’s called Common Sense. Maybe the president will discover that this is not how democracy works.

Happy Birthday China

By Joe Schartz

The following column appeared in the Trojan Tribune in October, 2009:

After the tragedies of September 11, 2001, the Empire State Building in plush Manhattan became New York’s largest building. The towering architectural feat of glass and steel has represented much more than business, wealth, and western elegance, serving as a symbol of capitalism, the economic policy behind the heart of American prosperity. It was free enterprise that made this country the most powerful leader in the world. It was hard work, risk and reward that propelled the United States into the economic, military and industrious success that no other nation can claim, that allowed the red, white and blue to overwhelm her enemies and to uplift her allies. But on Wednesday, September 30, 2009, red was the only color emanating from the Empire State Building.
It was a beautiful ruby shade, a mesmerizing glow that could be seen for miles. What was the occasion for the change in color? Apparently representatives for the building thought it was appropriate to give it a festive look to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Communist takeover in China. After discovering the reason for the new lights, that color that had looked so enchanting had never looked so distasteful. The Empire State Building that represented a free economic society had been draped in a cloak of blatant Communist endorsement.
Why were we celebrating the anniversary of the most brutal military takeover in history? We fought a war in Korea and Vietnam to prevent the Communist way of life, and now big-shot New York aristocrats, who must not have had relatives die at the Chosin Reservoir, were praising it. It is estimated that 72 million people died during the Communist revolution, which accounts for more than either World War. That foolish action was a slap in the face to our military, the Chinese nationalists who still fight for their freedom, and anyone who believes in human rights. If that shade of red represented anything at all, it was the blood of innocent people that has been shed in the most evil empire in the world.
But that hasn’t been the only thing forcing Americans to ask their conscience what’s right and what’s wrong. Bank of America is now a contradiction in terms, it seems. A Marine killed overseas was brought home to be buried in South Carolina, and the procession carrying his body to the burial sight passed many local businesses, including Bank of America. A patriotic citizen was lining the road with American flags to honor the soldier when an employee of the bank ordered the flags be removed from in front of the business, or the flags would be thrown away. Maybe we should just call it “Global Bank” and change the logo from Old Glory to people holding hands so no one is offended? I wonder, what would that soldier think?
That Marine died fighting radical terrorists, perhaps the most violent enemy our armed forces has ever been forced to confront. I never thought it was possible we were training our enemies here at home. In Fairfax County Virginia, the Islamic Saudi Academy is doing just that. The school, funded by Saudi Arabia, instructs its students on the most extreme forms of Muslim jihad. Its textbook material includes such horrifying passages as how to cut off a person’s hands and feet to maximize suffering while torturing them. The Fairfax County board recently voted 6-4 to expand the school’s campus. By next year Virginia may have produced as many as 1,500 domestic terrorists.
I never thought I would see the day when Communist sympathizers, flag haters and radical Islamic extremists would find a place in American society. I am ashamed to acknowledge them as fellow citizens.
A pleasant gift for China came with the festive decorations as the Treasury Department admitted it will need to sell more of the country’s debt to the People’s Republic to fund the stimulus and other government programs. China already owns nearly a quarter of our national debt, and they are glad to take on more. You can’t find a piece of electronics without the words “CHINA” boldly stenciled on the side. Our symbols of freedom are now being decorated to honor their revolution. And now we continue to sell ourselves to them one government bond at a time. Happy birthday China.

The Man Without a Party

By Joe Schartz

The following column appeared in the Trojan Tribune in September, 2009:

A person’s trust is one of the most important things we can acquire. It takes time to build it up, to show that person we’re sincere in our promises, that we’re dependable, reliable and responsible, and the slightest breach of these principles can cause them never to trust us again. I wonder, do congress and our president realize this?
After the 2008 presidential election we saw a rosy picture of thousands of Americans rejoicing in the new change that was coming. Glowing supporters of Barack Obama waved their “Yes We Can!” posters in the air, and the public was swept off their feet by this young, charming statesman that was going to turn Washington politics upside down. With a democratic congress at his disposal, the stage was set for the largest political shift in history. Now, eight months later, the party is over, the posters are no longer waving, and the country’s mood resembles the one it had during the end of President Bush’s second term.
In fact, the end of the president’s political honeymoon has brought his booming popularity to a screeching halt. His approval rating has fallen 18 points since his election, from a whopping 68 percent to only 50 percent. If that number dips below 50, he will have the second-fastest presidential approval drop below majority since World War Two, behind only Bill Clinton. Congress’s approval ratings are faring much worse, however, at a demoralizing 31 percent. Their approval hit an all time low last year at 19 percent.
What explains the low numbers when Congress and President Obama have had scores of issues to prove themselves worthy of power? The truth is they’ve dropped the ball on many of them, and concern is growing among Americans. Only 34 percent of the country, according to the latest survey, believes the nation is heading in the right direction.
The problem began with the stimulus. Billions of hard-earned taxpayer money was given to irresponsible Wall Street bankers and wealthy corporate managers. This bill created the president’s first broken promise: after vowing never to sign a bill full of pork-barrel waste, he put his signature on a stack of legislation with over 9,000 earmarks.
Next came the cap and trade bill, a bill unknown to many Americans. The new law puts a cap on the amount of carbon companies are allowed to emit, and if they go over the number set by the federal government, they will be taxed. Many company CEOs now intend to relocate overseas, and thousands of Americans are threatened with losing their jobs.
The appointment of Sonya Sotomayor to the Supreme Court was another controversial battle for the president. Her questionable remarks about a court case involving white fire fighters denied promotion due to the color of their skin drew fire from conservatives, who deemed the comments racist.
Next came health care, an issue President Obama is still struggling with. Afraid of a massive government takeover, millions of Americans are protesting the swelling powers of the federal government. Only 43 percent of Americans approve of President Obama’s stance on health care.
The biggest hurdles for President Obama to jump are yet to come. He told the country after he was inaugurated that his administration, under the guidance of experienced, ethical appointees, would hit the ground running. He hit the ground alright, but it appears growing revelations about the true content of his administration will make him smash his face onto the pavement. The latest slides in his approval numbers are partially due to media coverage on a new group of staff members called—to use the administration’s own language—“czars.” The term itself, derived from the name of Russian dictators, gives cause for questions. The newest appointee to raise eyebrows is “green czar” Van Jones. Jones is a self-avowed Communist, and among his most incendiary comments are, “In jail I met all these young radical people of color—I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was like, ‘This is what I need to be a part of.’ I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail trying to be a revolutionary…I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28 and then the verdicts came down on April 29. By August, I was a Communist.”
And here’s this, from “diversity czar” Mark Loyd: “The progressives of today should take a page out of FDR’s media playbook from when the New Dealers were battling conservative print media and the conservative supreme court to quote ‘fix the great debacle of American capitalism.’” The prospect of Marxists, socialists, and communists in the White House is beginning to wave the sparks of fear into flames.
So what about the Republicans? How are they faring? The number of seats they control in the House and Senate is an accurate reflection of the answer. A lack of leadership and direction has the GOP in complete disarray, even if they have been able to rally somewhat through the health care debate. To add to their troubles, South Carolina governor Mark Sanford, who was recently discovered to be having an affair, refuses to step down. The republicans are unable to connect with real Americans, and their lack of leadership is beginning to show. They made a promise to stand up to big government, but the country is seeing right through it.
Why are Americans upset? They don’t trust Washington anymore. They’ve been lied to too many times. For years politicians have been making promises just to abuse their power. They find themselves looking at an out of control government and don’t know whom to look to anymore. To their left is a group shouting for bigger government with more control. To their right is a group that is shrugging its shoulders, without ideas, without direction. In the middle are people, not politicians, bur real Americans, who work and have responsibilities. They’re not sure what to do.
The time has come when I can’t look to a party to solve my problems anymore. It’s time I speak for myself. They’re the ones who created the problems in the first place. As of now, I’m a man without a party.